Sanctuary Spa Houston
3 Powerful Benefits of Celluma LED
April 13, 2024

LED: The Ultimate Solution for Fine Lines, Acne, and Pain

Celluma LED around Face

Have you heard of LED Light Therapy? How about Celluma? Celluma is an LED (Light-Emitting Diode) device. I know, what? Trust us! Keep reading. It's also an award-winning product in the field of low-level light therapy! This emerging practice is swiftly gaining popularity, for very good reasons. Low-level light therapy can amplify the body’s natural healing process within cells and be a vital resource for skin and wound conditions. Light energy can help with a variety of inflammatory conditions and create visible results, usually in a matter of a few sessions. Let's start, though, by learning more about why Celluma is the best device on the market and why we choose to use this device at Sanctuary Spa.

LED Claims

 There are many LED devices that claim to help with conditions like acne, wrinkles, muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and rosacea. Celluma stands out in the crowd because it has won over 40 aesthetics awards since 2015! The company prides itself on integrity and holds itself to very high standards. They set out to create devices that could be used both in spas and at home, to be FDA approved, and to use the highest quality light therapy.

Celluma cellular benefits

Celluma devices use blue, red, and near-infrared lights. Other products on the market make extraordinary claims about the large number of lights they use (“Seven-Color LED Face Mask!”); some claim to use amber or violet lights. According to Celluma, these claims are meaningless when it comes to results. The only therapeutic lights that really reach the deeper layers of the skin and increase cellular activity are blue, red, and near-infrared. The different wavelengths of light are absorbed by the skin and trigger different cellular processes. For example, some reduce inflammation, some kill bacteria that cause acne, while some enhance circulation. Celluma actually has three separate settings, so you can maximize which type of light therapy to use depending on your needs. With low-level light therapy, the natural degradation of cellular function can be countered and temporarily reversed. Affecting activity on the cellular level is how Celluma treatments can be so beneficial.

Celluma LED Ideal Candidates & Uses

According to Celluma’s website, this product is safe for everyone to use except for children under age 12. This limitation is mainly because there is not enough clinical research regarding low-level light therapy’s effectiveness and safety on children. Low-level light therapy is a non-aggressive therapy that can offer truly profound effects for all skin types, body aches and concerns. Several of our own service providers at Sanctuary Spa have used Celluma themselves and on family members, and are quick to recommend this device and service to anyone with bruises or arthritis conditions.

The Celluma product itself is a flexible panel and designed to be placed near, or better yet, on the skin. The closer Celluma is to clean, bare, dry skin, the better the light waves will be absorbed by skin cells. When placing over the face, Celluma can be bent into a “C” shape and placed over the face from ear to ear. Because of its flexibility, this product can easily be used not only on the face but on the back, shoulders, face and decollete, the list goes on! Other products that are simply shaped like a face mask just do not have the same range of use.

Still wondering if Celluma is right for you? There are incredible, illuminating benefits of low-level light therapy for so many different physical conditions. If you suffer from dermatological conditions, the cellular activity promoted by Celluma can help improve skin health and reduce inflammation. If you are an athlete or a weekend warrior with aching joints and muscles, Celluma can help accelerate recovery and reduce pain. There are so many applications for Celluma and we are thrilled to offer this product to our guests.

Celluma LED at Sanctuary Spa

Celluma LED Rental

At Sanctuary Spa, we have Celluma devices available both for in-service use and for rent. Adding LED therapy to a facial is great for maintenance care as well as for targeted pain treatment or for skin texture and firmness. Start by talking with your provider about what type of treatment plan would be best for your specific needs. Your esthetician will be able to recommend how often to use Celluma and whether you should add it to your services already on the books or rent one to take and use at home. 

Renting a Celluma device to take home and use for a day, week, or month is also something we offer at Sanctuary Spa and couldn’t be easier! This is perfect for using on a regular basis to maximize results. A typical treatment plan would be 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week for 4 weeks for chronic conditions like acne, psoriasis, arthritis, and wrinkles. For muscle/joint pain and bruising, it might only take a few sessions to see results. Each 30 minute session will bring increased circulation and help decrease inflammation in the tissue. If you are interested in purchasing a Celluma, Sanctuary also offers a rent-to-own option. Talk with our guest care team at Sanctuary about either adding Celluma to your spa service or renting one to use at home!

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