Sanctuary Spa Houston
Fall skincare tips
Marisol Castro • September 26, 2022

Welcome Fall

After a long few months of hot weather in the triple digits, the long awaited season has arrived! Fall is here, not only is it an eventful and exciting season but we finally get to experience cooler weather. For Houston, that comes a little bit later but this season helps us with preparing for those chilly months that are ahead of us. Autumn brings cooler weather and a drop in humidity which comes with dry air and causes the skin to become dry. Like wardrobe, as the season changes so should your skincare. Maintain happy and healthy skin with these fall skincare tips!

Refresh your skin

fall skincare facialOur top recommendation is always going to be to come in for a facial at Sanctuary Spa! Especially after the summer season, our skin might be congested from oils and sweat. Book a facial to give your skin a deep cleanse and receive expert advice on what your skin will love this fall. Our estheticians do a wonderful job at making sure that they provide you with everything that your skin needs. Here are a few of the services that we recommend you book to freshen up your skin for this season! Our 75 minute personalized facial, this facial allows your esthetician to have ample time to customize a facial based on your skin type. This time will allow you to voice your concerns, ask questions and hear your estheticians tips on future services or products. Our 75 minute Microdermabrasion advanced facial is another one of our recommendations. This facial will allow your esthetician to provide your skin with deep exfoliation and accelerate your skin’s repair process.

Our progressive chemical peel is a service that we recommend in the cooler months! If you were waiting for Summer to go by before booking, now is a great time! You can read more on these services or other services that we offer online at

Fall skincare essentials

Let’s start out with the most important tip, hydration! Moisturizers provide a protective barrier over the skin, allowing it to retain hydration. Due to the levels of humidity decreasing and cooler weather coming in, our skin is bound to become dry and flaky. Changing out your lightweight moisturizer to a thicker moisturizer will allow you to keep your skin hydrated. A great moisturizer is Source Vital’s Max Moisture Cream.  This thick face moisture is perfect for dry skin or colder environments when our skin is prone to dryness and cracking. Another great option to keep your hands and feet hydrated is Source Vital’s lemongrass mani/pedi cream. This cream will deeply hydrate dry, cracked feet and hands. Lemongrass mani/ pedi cream can also be used as a full body moisturizer.

It is important to keep your eye and lip area moisturized as well and we have the perfect product for you to do so. Rhonda Allison’s eye and lip renew serum is fall skincare essentials
just what you need. This product has great anti-aging and hydrating properties to care for the tender areas of your skin. Another great option to make sure your extra hydrated is adding hyaluronic acid to your routine. Hyaluronic acid restores a youthful, plump complexion as parched skin is instantly quenched, firmed and hydrated. Rhonda Allison’s pure hydration is a spa favorite and works wonders for your skin!

C-peptide complex for fall skincareAdd a boost of Vitamin C to your fall skincare routine with Rhonda Allison’s C- peptide complex. Vitamin C works best in the cooler months, it helps to even out skin pigmentation, resulting in a brighter complexion. Because our skin tends to become dryer in the colder months, another great tip is to keep exfoliating. Exfoliating 1-2 times per week will help you keep the look and feel of smooth, silky skin. Source Vital’s body scrubs are a great product to add to your weekly self-care routine.

Fall skincare tips to keep in mind

It is important to remember to apply sunscreen after you are finished with your skincare routine. A lot of us tend to ignore SPF when Summer is over because we are not out in the sun as often, but SPF should be a relevant product year round. UVA and UVB rays still exist in the cooler days even if the sun is not as bright as it is in the summer days, SPF will protect you from any sun damage. Top off on your sunscreen with our newest spa addition, Tizo sunscreen. We have multiple options for you to try out! Choose from tinted, non-tinted and face and body sunscreen options.

If you are someone with skin sensitivities like eczema it is important to avoid long, hot showers because this can cause severe dryness and cracking of the skin. After your bath make sure to moisturize right after to help your skin lock in as much moisture as possible. Lastly, try to avoid over exfoliating, like stated above,Fall skincare exfoliationlimit yourself to exfoliate 1-2 times a week. Over exfoliating can cause tiny cracks in the skin barrier that can cause your skin to lose hydration.

We hope that these fall skincare tips will be helpful for you to keep on top of your skincare this season. For any questions on products or services call us, text us, or email us at 


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