Sanctuary Spa Houston
Relaxation Tips for the Extra Stressed
Jenna • October 6, 2017

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” ~ World Health Organization

Mental health usually takes a back seat to everything else in our busy lives. In an age where everyone is always connected and always moving, mental health issues fade into the background. We tend to focus much more on our physical and social health, and we don’t take a minute to think about our mental health. We are surrounded by stigmas about therapy and mental illnesses that make it even harder to acknowledge that sometimes we need to take a step back and focus on our mental state.

There are numerous events and situations that can take a toll on your psychological well-being, from stress at work to a traumatic event such as Hurricane Harvey. Although these are two very different situations, there are tactics you can use to ease psychological trauma and focus on your mental health in either case.

Eat Healthy, Well-Balanced Meals

Most people do not realize the benefits eating well can have on your mental health. When we are stressed, we crave comfort food like pizza and ice cream, but these heavy options tend to decrease our energy levels, making us even more lethargic and less motivated to overcome stress. Foods such as spinach, blueberries and turkey can increase hormones in your body that naturally relieve stress.

Give Yourself a Break

Take time in your day to do something you like – get a massage, take a yoga class, cook your favorite meal. Allow yourself to have fun and relax. It’s hard for many people to take time to do this because they are worried about their never-ending to-do lists, but making the choice to set your to-do list aside and just have some “me time” is crucial to mental well-being.

Quiet Your Mind

Tactics such as meditation and mindfulness help us take a moment away from all the noise in our lives. Mindfulness is the state of being aware of something. We should take time every day to inventory how we are feeling, what is causing us stress, and what is making us happy. This does not necessarily mean actively finding solutions, but rather calmly accepting our feelings.

Allow Yourself to Feel Emotions without Judgement

We are our own harshest critics. We not only ignore our mental health, but feel we have to be happy and put together all the time. Forcing ourselves to feel certain emotions is even worse than ignoring them in the first place. We need to create a place of healing and acceptance within ourselves where we are allowed to feel sad or stressed. The best way to overcome these negative emotions is to first acknowledge and accept them.

Reach Out to Others

When we are stressed we tend to close ourselves off from friends and family, when what we should do is surround ourselves with loved ones. Interaction with other people releases the chemical dopamine in our system, which creates warm, happy feelings in our brain.

Sometimes we need to slow down and step back from our daily stresses. Take time for yourself and come de-stress at Sanctuary Spa. Give us a call to start your healing and renewing process today.

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